Toughest Aspect of Leadership – Surrender

Surrender?ย  What?ย  We hear cues almost daily in our culture that surrender is not a viable business position.ย  Surrender is akin to failure, losing and admitting defeat, or is it?

Mike Myatt at Forbes wrote a great piece arguing that actually surrender is a mark of a great leader, not a weak one.


As managers, we seek to control our operations, our processes and, lets face it, our people.ย  The result tends to make processes more predictable and who doesn’t want that, right?

As leaders, we ought to be unlocking potential, remove bottlenecks, develop opportunity all so that our business thrives and grows beyond the status quo of our existing, predictable operations.

Surrender allows us to get out of the way of the micro and controlling mindset to discover and promote value we otherwise would have missed.

I agree with Mark Myatt, surrender is not the answer in all situations.ย  Nor is control.ย  A thriving, successful, passion centric business needs both excellence in management control and surrender in it’s leadership.

You can read the original article here.


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